Serving all NYSUT Retirees in Jefferson and Lewis Counties

"JLCNR, working together to serve, support, and strengthen our fellow retirees"

Jeff-Lewis Council of NYSUT retirees

Council 9


Vote by Mail

Voters may request and vote via an absentee ballot for any election held on or before June 23, 2020 due to the potential to contract the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). To request an absentee ballot, voters may fill out an absentee ballot application and check “temporary illness or physical disability” as the reason they are requesting an absentee ballot. A voter may request an absentee ballot as follows:

          Applications for Absentee Ballots are available at your county board of elections.

          You may also download a PDF version of the New York State Absentee Ballot Application Form

COVID-19 Relief Under New York State Law - for a chart of resources, click here.

COVID-19 Relief Under Federal Law - for a chart of resources, click here.

Relief Resources

NYSUT Cancellation Information

From NYSUT President, Andrew Pallotta

NYSUT is cancelling all in-person meetings and conferences through September 1, 2020, including Leadership Institute, LAP, the Endorsement Conference, the New Local Presidents Conference, and regional leadership conferences scheduled during the summer months.  We are investigating new ways to hold these events virtually to keep our members represented and engaged.

Food Pantry Resources

For a list of food pantries in the North Country, please click here. Feel free to share with those in need or to contribute as you are able.

New York State Coronavirus Tracker

Keep up to date with the spread and containment of COVID-19 Cases here